Recently I had the pleasure of touching base with one of my favourite comedians in the world. Ciaran Bartlett is a renowned name in the comedy scene within the UK. From hosting a very successful podcast called "No Blasters" and having sold out shows all across the North of Ireland, this man is a distinguished name in the comedy...

This week, The Royston Club made its Belfast premiere at one of the city's most active venues for fresh and varied music. Since its opening, VooDoo, a venue on Foutain Lane, has hosted a number of underappreciated acts.

When the Britpop movement was at its height twenty years ago, many of its musicians appeared on Top Of The Pops and got involved in some of the most intense chart wars in recent memory. Although Blur, Pulp, Suede, and Oasis are well-known to everyone, the music scene was much more diverse than most would recall.

For some, it represented the haughty bravado of Oasis and cheek of Blur, while for others, it symbolised the astute wit of Pulp. However, the Britpop movement primarily created catchy songs about young people on the go. The scene provided a fascinating new soundtrack for young life for those who were growing in the early 1990s, in dingy pubs and...

The Hogmanay Poster was initially created for a Loganair TV advertisement at the beginning of January, however it managed to place second out of hundreds of submissions (robbed). Brian Cattigan has therefore made the decision to self-release this which I am happy he has done so because this piece is a serious tune.

Not following a conventional route as most bands with a band name like Apollo Junction, I honestly wasn't sure what to expect and I also had certain thoughts about their music. Coming out of a record label set up in a garage in Leeds the work the Shed Load Record boys have produced has immediately blown my expectations out of...

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