Ciaran Bartlett talks Comedy, Journalism and New TV Series!


Stiofán Bruce 

Recently I had the pleasure of touching base with one of my favourite comedians in the world. Ciaran Bartlett is a renowned name in the comedy scene within the UK. From hosting a very successful podcast called "No Blasters" and having sold out shows all across the North of Ireland, this man is a distinguished name in the comedy scene. We talked about the past, the current and the future. 

It has been a few weeks now since your new show "The B-Team" has been released. How have you found the response so far?

The response to The B-Team has been almost universally very positive. People seem to get that it's an authentic Belfast experience that is slightly heightened for mostly pre watershed TV purposes. I say mostly positive, my brother Kev was obviously gutted when we used a real life failed date as 'inspo' for the Connor storyline.

Did your own family play a role in the characters personalities we see on screen?

Yes a lot of the characters and action in this script are based on real people and real events. Marty is a very loose and OTT depiction of my wife's hairdresser, but the sense of humour from that real person remains in the show. Aunt Nancy is based on my own great aunt Nancy who was, as they say, a hard ticket. Aileen is based on my older sister Aileen. Connor is based on me and my brothers at that awkward age where you're too old for school and sitting in the house but not ready for the world yet. Brenda is a tip of the hat to Maw Bartlett but Paddy is really more based on my mates' dads than my own dad. My own dad would not have placed a bet!

Do you see yourself committing more time to script writing for new projects and taking a step back from stand-up comedy? 

Yes, I'm very keen to pick up where I left off with scriptwriting when comedy and podcasting really took off a couple of years ago. It has been a whirlwind but I think I'm potentially happier and more suited to chilling at home and working to deadlines than having to travel here there and everywhere. So I've lined up some exciting scripted work including a new sitcom and two episodes of a big, and hopefully upcoming crime drama!

I'm aware that you have a PHD in Journalism, do you have any advice to the students here at Belfast Met who are studying journalism and want to pursue a career in that field?

I don't lecture anymore and haven't since 2019, Thanks be to God! I don't think I was a very patient teacher. This might be the only time in my life where I can compare myself to Roy Keane, maybe Roy and I are better doing things than trying to teach them to others. That said, my most important piece of advice I can give to anyone wanting to pursue a career in the arts/media or teaching in arts/media is that these are competitive industries with lots of people trying to get a finite amount of opportunities. So be ready for the inevitable rejections- remember that even Steven Spielberg has had films turned down before. The key things are: work hard and put something into your art every day and something into your business every day. That's one artistic thing, and one business facing thing every day. You wait and see the results in a month or two.
Keep a positive attitude. Be as nice and professional to people as you can. You never know when you could be working with them and can't we all do more to get along and value each other? I think so. Lastly. Never give up. Sometimes you might have to take a break or take a crappy part time job to make ends meet. That's fine. But don't give up. Keep going. Someday the world will turn and you could end up with your dreams in touching distance. So keep going. No matter what.
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